Saturday, November 8, 2008

Ashton Radley Wade

Radley is a strapping baby boy. It seems like he manages to put a pound on every week. As of the last visit to the doc, Ashton weighed 11 pounds.

Radley already has his priorities straight!

Who's the man? You the man? No, I'm the man!


s & j said...

hahaha you're so gay!! IM THE MAN!

Jen Wade said...

Hey guys ok so I got your text about your blog forever ago and we were out of town so I couldn't ever check it out... I'm so glad you have a blog now we can know what you guys are up to... send me your email and I can send you an invite to our blog... hope you guys are doing good, ashton is so cute, I love the name Radley I considered that for Bron when we were trying to come up with names for Bron... love it!!!maybe we'll see ya soon with the holidays coming up and all... peace

saraanddevin said...

ah so cute!!!

Samantha said...

Agh!!! You have two kids!!! Nina, it's been too long since I saw you! Anyways...I wanted to let you know about a blog that myself and some of the other track girls (present and past) have put together. I want you to be an author as well, so send me your e-mail so I can invite you and also so you can see it! Please...! We want to know how, where, what you're doing!!!

Britt said...

Hey...I'm glad you guys have a blog. Is Jeff in charge of this thing? Just wondering. Keep posting! Check ours out too if you feel like it. Nina it was so fun to see you a couple weeks ago. Your boys are so adorable!