Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Colton's First Baseball Season

On our way to the game.

 Getting ready for the game to start.
 In the out field. Coach is probably telling him to pay attention. It is hard, I guess, there is dirt to kick, birds in the sky, and people all over the place, 
Oh ya and a baseball game going on, or something like that.
Right field.
After game team meeting.
 Colton's first hit of the season.... it was a home run because he was the last to bat.

Coach showing Colton his position.
 See the boy in front. His name is Payton-first baseman. He is a VERY intense baseball player. In this league all the kids get to bat, and if you are on the opposing team and last to bat, you have a 99.9% chance of getting out and tagged by Payton. He is going to chase you down, even if requires running after you around all the bases and then blocking home plate.

 Up to bat.
 In ready stance just checking out the birds.
On second.
Colton and his coaches.
Trophy- undefeated (they didn't keep score).


Lacey said...

Awesome! I love the first picture!

{We Are The Wade's} said...

Oh my Goodness, they are getting SO big!! We love baseball!