Monday, March 26, 2012

4 Days of Mischief

Day 1: I get in the shower - Ashton..... cut his hair. I find him he says he was cutting off his messy part.
Day 2: I get in the shower - Ashton..... cuts this really cute fish decoration I have(had) in his bathroom and hides the evidence. I find him he says - he was giving it a hair cut. I say where is it.... he says, I don't know?
Day 3: I get in the shower - Ashton..... climbs on to the counter and searches the cabinets to find the mini eggs.  I find him with a slaughter bag of delicious Cad-bury Mini eggs 1/2 eaten. He says do you want one?.
Day 4:  I try to give him a task to do so that when I get out of the shower there maybe hope that my mischief maker  hasn't found something better to do.
THEN -  Ashton learns to ride his bike down the stairs at the church.

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